It’s not difficult to imagine why symptoms of anxiety and depression are reportedly higher than ever before.
The last few years have felt tumultuous, and now more than ever people are looking for ways to reconnect with themselves, their passion, and their purpose.
It may be your first time inviting new Universal energy into your life, or perhaps you are looking to get back the energy you felt you once had. Whatever the reason, welcome and we are so glad you are here.
Feeling ‘Off’: When You’re Out of Vibrational Alignment
Before we dive into the ‘how’, it’s important to take a look at the ‘why’. When we are out of harmony with the Universe, there are some telltale signs that something is not quite right:
- Do you feel absent-minded?
- Do you struggle with remembering important details?
- Do you have difficulty concentrating?
- Do you struggle with headaches?
- Do you feel clumsy?
- Do you feel stuck?
- Do you have feelings of anxiousness?
- Do you worry about things that happened in the past?
- Do you stress about the future?
- Do you feel disconnected?
If one, or any, of these statements, hit home for you, then you are in the right place. The list above are indicators that the 7th Chakra, commonly known as the Crown Chakra may be blocked.
When we are constantly pushing our will and not allowing ourselves to be guided by the Universe and all its gifts, it’s no wonder we feel stuck, stressed, and ‘off’.
For many people living this way has been for so long that it’s hard to recognize that it’s happening at all anymore, but when we do realize something is out of alignment, it’s really a huge blessing because self-awareness is truly the first step out of a vibrational funk.
The Crown Chakra: 5 Senses to Realign Your Energy
Thankfully, as we move forward to become in Harmony with the Universal Spirit we have a myriad of gifts to help us: our senses.
Our sense of hearing, taste, touch, smell, and sight are incredible tools that will help to guide you back to where you need to be.
Keep in mind as you take steps down the road to mindfulness, that change doesn’t happen in a straight line; It ebbs and flows, and has ups and downs.
Sometimes you will feel like you have taken two steps forward and one step back, and that is ok.
Acceptance of the journey is the key to many of our struggles.
Hearing: Perhaps one of the most important and underutilized ways to become more in harmony with the Universe is to listen to guided meditations. If you are new to this world, please don’t feel overwhelmed or turned off by it; There is truly no right or wrong way to meditate, and any amount of time spent in practice is better than none at all. Meditation offers you the ability to connect with your inner power, and like any skill, it will become easier and more comfortable with time and practice. Another great option for accessing your inner calm is to set aside some time, get comfortable, and listen to soothing melodies or nature sounds.
Taste: One of the best ways to become more mindful and help realign the Crown Chakra is to enjoy herbal teas that contain a number of beneficial ingredients:
- Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, has violet petals and a purple-hued stem which many believe will realign and reconnect your mind, body, and spirit.
- It’s believed that Tulsi can open you up to spirituality, provide deeper introspection, and increase compassion for yourself and others.
- Tulsi also contains healthful adaptogens that can help combat stress and improve your overall energy.
- Gotu Kola and Ginkgo Biloba provide brain support for increased creativity and clarity.
- Spearmint clears a path for positive energy flow opening up a direct line to the Universe.
Touch: A beautiful way to integrate touch into your energetic practice is to mindfully enjoy something in your hands during your meditation. Truly, this simple act can be a gift for those who are new to meditation and worry about ‘doing it wrong’ (Please note: there is no way to meditate incorrectly). We recommend intentionally and gently rolling an earthly element, such as crystal tumblestones, in your hands during your meditation practice. Amethyst is a wonderful tool to use as it blocks negative energy and promotes positive thoughts and mindfulness.
Smell: Frankincense has been around for centuries and aligns itself wonderfully with unblocking the Crown Chakra. It is known for stress and anxiety relief as well as reducing negative emotions. This beautiful essential oil can be diffused, 1-2 drops can be rubbed on the hands for aromatic inhalation, or mixed with coconut oil and sugar to be applied to the skin for a gentle and soothing self-care ritual (rinse off mixture after, and as with anything, please complete a patch test prior to use). Using frankincense while meditating is another powerful way to get grounded, focused, and realign your energies.
Sight: One of the tried and true ways to tap into a higher state is through the act of visualization. Visualization is a powerful technique that can help to unblock the seventh Chakra and invite more mindfulness into our lives. Practicing visualization with a powerful symbol such as the lotus allows you to put your intent forward to the Universe, and more importantly, helps to open you up to the Universe’s response to those intentions.
In ancient times, and throughout many cultures, the lotus is recognized as a visual symbol of creativity, resilience, connection, and alignment. Still today, many people revere the lotus for this symbolism which is often described as a self-awakening or rebirth which is energetically what we are doing when we realign our Crown Chakra.
Adjusting the 7th Chakra: A Kit to Guide You
When we ask our senses to join us in a daily mindfulness ritual, you cannot help but begin to feel your energy start to shift. Whether you can commit 5 minutes a day in your car before going into work, or you easily carve out 20 minutes to dedicate to your new potential, giving yourself the gift of spiritual growth is invaluable. Enjoy the journey!
Empath Designs was created with a desire to help people encourage mindfulness in their daily lives through stunning visual art. Their recent collaborations with other Australian businesses have produced the renowned Meditation Kits and Gift Sets that stimulate all five senses while inviting energetic shifts in our life. If you are looking to realign your 7th Chakra, or are looking to add to your spiritual tool kit, be sure to take a look at the Lotus Crown Chakra Set.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the 7 major Chakras? The 7 Chakras refer to your body’s energetic centres. The seven major Chakras from the top of the body downwards are the crown, third eye, throat, heart solar plexus, sacral, and root. They each correspond to different nerves and organs in your body.
How do you know if your Chakras are blocked? Each Chakra will present differently in your life depending on which one is out of alignment. At Empath Designs, we have created a quiz to help you determine if a Chakra is blocked and help you identify which one needs attention.
What happens when the Crown Chakra is activated? The Sanskrit word for the Crown Chakra is Sahasrara which means root or foundation. When the Crown Chakra is unblocked and energy is flowing freely, you will notice that:
- Your mind feels clear and focused
- You feel more connected to a higher consciousness
- Your outlook on life becomes more positive
- Your creativity flows and your feel more at one with the world
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