Empath Designs creates mindfulness experiences using visual arts and symbolism.
January 11, 2023
Self-help books fill the shelves of remaining bookstores and a search of Mindfulness Meditation, produces over 82 million results.
Now, not all of these results are celebrating Mindfulness Meditation. There are packs of people that think it’s boring and ineffective.
But, there are tribes of billions who love it because it helps them grow in the direction they want to in life.
You might even be doing it and not realize it.
If practicing Mindfulness Meditation becomes a habit you’ll know yourself much more than if you didn’t.
And knowing yourself is one of the best feelings your senses can ever dance to.
As you may know, it’s easy to learn and doesn’t have to take a lot of time.
No, it won't completely heal you from anxieties that twist your stomach, but it can help you understand why negative emotions come up. And knowing the reasons behind how all your emotions affect your mind, can turn into feelings of temporary - and sometimes - long lasting relief.
We all know deep down feelings of calm will never last forever. And they shouldn’t. It’s an essential part of maturity to understand and control your emotions. Mindfulness Meditation is the route to getting there.
Its definition is simple. It’s just the combination of two lifestyle strategies.
Mindfulness is usually defined as being fully present in the moment. Minimally, to do that is not difficult.
All you do is ask yourself -
Where am I?
What am I doing?
What’s going up with me right now?
So easy, right? The challenge is remembering to take a minute to stop and ask yourself these questions even though the questions are ridiculously clear and memorable.
But, negative headspaces take over even when it’s true that rebounding from pessimism can stir more growth than always in the positive.
But there are more challenges I haven’t mentioned. As humans we are procrastinators and we tend to forget even the most important of things. And at the same time, life moves faster than the speed of a click.
Stopping the world to get off for a second might not come naturally.
If I do this, it’ll be good for me.
Where am I?
My house…What am I doing…eating a cookie. It's crunchy, there’s a hint of salt that makes my tongue twitch gleefully, and wait, I just got some crumbs on me. I smile.
So, that’s Mindfulness.
Meditation is the reflection period.
How did that cookie make me feel?
The first word that comes to mind is warm and adorable. This cookie happens to be from my Grandma who makes them every Fall. It’s nostalgic and it makes me happy to eat this wedding cookie with a crisp breeze running through my hair.
Without stopping to think, that cookie would be gone in 60 seconds, the memory of Grandma and cookie lasting a fleeting millisecond.
There’s no honor in that.
This example captures what Mindful Meditation is, really - honoring yourself with the most valuable thing in the universe: TIME.
The time to reflect. You are the lead character in your life and at the same time, your most intimate, supportive friend.
Mindfulness Meditation combined is you figuring yourself out where you are in your chosen moment to practice.
And even the tiniest attention to self detail comes with a bounty of rewards.
Oh, to gain control and stop yourself from doing something you’d rather not do. To feel relief from knowing that deep breathing can slow down your heart rate when you start to feel terror.
Creating the perfect snapshot in your head, at the climax of that eagerly anticipated event.
You remember this snapshot long term.
And to fully embrace every physical feeling and rush of emotion from the most soulful kiss on a warm, pitch black night.
Truly, the best part of Mindfulness Meditation is the limitless ways it can be practiced.
And how you practice is your decision alone.
In every Mindfulness Meditation scenario, you have the power of choice. Isn’t that special, how no one can do Mindfulness Meditation for you?
And you can be as creative as you like.
Some cool ideas -
There are so many places you can go with this.
You can do it anywhere, any time, and there is a treasure chest of tools out there to magnify your experience right here.
It’s your moment!
Check out the Meditation Kits and start your mindfulness journey.
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May 06, 2023
April 04, 2023
March 05, 2023
Empath Designs respectfully acknowledges the traditional owners, the Wurundjeri people, as the custodians of this land. We pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past and present, who have resided in the area and have been an integral part of the history of the region.